
Routes as top rope in Harrison's Rocks

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 501 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
Isolated Buttress
8a+ Pollet Virtus

Follow West Wall to a position just beneath the overhang. Then, move outward into the open space and ascend following the indistinct groove. Utilising a high heel-toe and a demanding knee move will enable you to conquer the wall above.

Top rope 8m
Unclimbed Wall Area
7c Dennis the menace

Challenging vertical climbing on diminutive holds, excluding all grips from Elementary and Desperate Dan.

Top rope 9m
Sewer Walls
7c Tempestivity

Demands a considerable reach and exhibits a degree of power!

Top rope 7m
What Crisis?
7c In Crisis

An alternative harder finish to What Crisis?, heading out right

Top rope 9m
7c Riverdance

Ascend the Long Crack route until reaching partway up the bulge, then veer off towards the right to ascend the steep wall above, ultimately aiming for a small protrusion. It may be desirable to have an independent start, but currently, it seems unfeasible.

Top rope 9m
Slab Area
7c Lager Frenzy

Climb the cracks up to the upper break, then transition towards the left to make better use of it. The climb concludes with a mantel move onto secure handholds.

Top rope 7m
Isolated Buttress
7b+ Woolly Bear

A finger-intensive start, progressing towards a horizontal ledge situated at the wall’s midpoint. Then, extend your reach to secure the generously sized upper ledge, with an easier finish above.

Top rope 8m
7b+ Storming up the Cuvier Remparts

An eliminate climb up the face that excludes the use of holds from neighboring routes.

Top rope 8m
Isolated Walls
7b+ Karate Kid

A challenging boulder characterised by a significant dynamic move required to transition between the first two breaks.

Top rope 10m
Wellington's Block
7b+ Banana Republic

Engage in the sleek and arduous right-hand variation of the Republic route.

Top rope 10m
Circle Area
7b+ A Killing Joke

Ascend the blunt arete, doing precise moves on sharp holds until reaching the break.

Top rope 7m
What Crisis?
7b+ Paul's Arete

Tackle the forceful and steep arête situated right of Slim Finger Crack, using only holds on the arête and its immediate right side. The climber is not permitted to use Slim Finger Crack or any features situated to its left. The route concludes by ascending slightly to the right and up the blunt arête located above.

Top rope 9m
7b+ What Crisis?

Ascend the face by following a sequence of profound pockets located in the center. There are several possible routes to navigate between them.

Top rope 9m
Long Layback Area
7b+ Supernatural

Climb the wall between Coronation Crack and The Limpet. Fingery and Technical.

Top rope 10m
7b Purple Nasty

Ascend through the centre of the narrow and bulging wall.

Top rope 8m
Long Layback Area
7b The Limpet

Climb the face and arete left of Dark Chimney. Eliminate use of the wall behind you when starting.

Top rope 10m
Slab Area
7b Fosters Face

Ascending the left-hand side of Lager Frenzy using small yet supportive edges, while it is quite apparent that the adjacent slab on the right is not viable for climbing.

Top rope 7m
Blackeye Wall
7b Soft Rock

Use minuscule hand and foot holds to scale the face, without utilising the surrounding arete or crack.

Top rope 6m
Zig-Zag Wall
7a+ Stubble

The initial phase is tough, slick, and nearly insurmountable. Fortunately, the subsequent face climb is considerably more manageable.

Top rope 9m
Unclimbed Wall Area
7a+ Jingowobbly

An inferior eliminate utilising grips from neighbouring paths, gaining more independence in its upper section

Top rope 9m
Crucifix Wall
7a+ Mischivas

The demanding, finger-intensive eliminate that's nestled tightly between the Corner and Philippa.

Top rope 8m
7a+ Hector's House

A challenging finish, and the route experiences seepage.

Top rope 7m
7a+ Crucifix

Right of muscle crack - hard top out

Top rope 7m
Isolated Buttress
7a+ Krypton Factor

Ascend the section of the face situated one metre to the right of Bloody Fingers, culminating in a challenging finale.

Top rope 8m
7a+ Woolly Jumper

Dyno between the breaks of Woolly Bear

Top rope 8m
Isolated Walls
7a+ Dr. Pepper

The route is an enigmatic path up the seemingly featureless and curved prominence.

Top rope 9m
Wellington's Block
7a+ The Republic

Execute elongated movements between ledges along the arete, ascending primarily on its right-hand side.

Top rope 10m
7a+ What the Butler Saw

An eliminate that intersects with Sossblitz, requiring improvisation and to navigate its unique challenges.

Top rope 10m
7a+ Bonanza Direct

A notably challenging direct variation to Bonanza, tackling the lower roof directly via the crack situated to the left.

Top rope 10m
Sewer Walls
7a+ Oliver James

A challenging direct route up the face, which is often in superior condition compared to the routes on the left side

Top rope 11m
7a+ Primate Shot

An intense direct start leading up to and concluding with the final crack of Monkey's Necklace

Top rope 11m
7a+ Powder Monkey

The crux is the initial mossy moves off the deck. The upper half improves significantly, featuring a tricky last move over the bulge.

Top rope 11m
What Crisis?
7a+ Jumping Jack Flash

This route follows a narrow and constricted line that necessitates executing some dynamic moves in order to travel between holds.

Top rope 8m
Long Layback Area
7a+ Nut Tree

Ascend the prominent edge using a precarious one-finger pocket (if you choose) and other less-than-ideal holds to reach the break with a slapping motion.

Top rope 9m
7a+ Hangover Right Hand

Start as for Hangover, but go direct over the right hand face. Utilise a heel in the break and a reachy move for the sloper overhead.

Top rope 8m
Slab Area
7a+ Lager Shandy

Commence by ascending the short crack located at the base of the bulging, blunt arete positioned immediately to the right of Lager Frenzy.

Top rope 7m
7a+ Blue Murder

Ascend the flake until reaching the break, then execute a challenging top-out maneuver to finish

Top rope 8m
Zig-Zag Wall
7a Neutral

Ascend the slender fissure on the upper face, following a difficult and slick beginning.

Top rope 9m
7a Max

Tackle a challenging manoeuvre over the bulge, which is oftentimes overgrown. Proceed up the face situated between the two cracks, avoiding the cracks themselves.

Top rope 9m
7a Witches Broomstick

Ascend the prominent fissure at the heart of the undercut wall, which presents a challenging initiation.

Top rope 9m
The Scoop Area
7a Demons of Death

Navigate the protrusions to the right of Pullover, leading up to a challenging mantel. Eliminate the arete and holds on Pullover.

Top rope 8m
7a Pushover

Between Pullover and Easy Cleft Left. Start up Jumper and keep going straight up avoiding the side pull on pullover.

FA: Jamie Dugdale, 28 Sep 2019

Top rope 8m
Crucifix Wall
7a Finger Popper

Climb the wall just right of the arete, leading up to a desperate crux over the protrusion.

Top rope 7m
Grant's Wall

A nuanced manoeuver, navigating between Thingamywobs and Whatsname while steering clear of cracks flanking both sides.

Top rope 8m
7a Grant's Stand

Ascend the challenging and smooth surface between Grant's Crack and Thingamywobs, eliminating both routes.

Top rope 8m
7a Tiptoe Through the Lichen

A challenging route ascends the face, weaving through sparse, rounded indentations. The difficulty intensifies under adverse conditions.

Top rope 9m
Jagger Wall
7a Gall Stone

An intense struggle over the heart of the fallen block. Avoid any contact with the Isolated Buttress and the sidewall.

Top rope 10m
Isolated Buttress
7a Bloody Staircase

Initiate on the left side of the prominent in-cut hold on the lower section and ascend directly, veering slightly right as you finish.

Top rope 8m
7a Powder Finger

Ascend the face about a metre away from the arete, which frequently features a slick upper portion.

Top rope 8m
7a Wailing Wall Eliminate

An eliminate that’s growing more challenging as the grips gradually erode.

Top rope 10m
7a Mr Spaceman

This variation begins by scaling Crowborough Corner up to the initial ledge. Shift right to ascend the delicate face above. Refrain from utilising the cracks on the neighboring routes.

Top rope 8m
7a The Wintours Leap Clause

Ascend Birchden Corner until your feet reach the second ledge. Then, perform a foot traverse along the entire ledge to the left corner, and conclude by ascending the Isolated Buttress Climb.

Top rope 10m
7a Alexander Beetle

A direct variation of Diversion, utilising the right side of the fissure on Edward's Effort specifically for the left hand placement. For the entire experience, finish as for Edward's Effort Direct. However, there is an option to traverse rightwards.

Top rope 10m
7a Woolly Cub Direct Start

Direct variation of Woolly Cub. Begin by moving left from the boulder, then proceed to ascend the face of the climb. Avoid holds on Woolly Bear and the arete on the right side.

Top rope 8m
7a Woolly Cub

Start as for Woolly Bear, but navigate right to bypass the crux, and then utilise a small, stiff hold to ascend to the higher ledge. Traverse back left and conclude as for the original.

Top rope 8m
7a Diagonal

From the slender second break on the Northwest Corner, make your way horizontally across the face. Conclude as for South West Corner, making use of the right-hand arete if necessary.

Top rope 8m
Isolated Walls
7a Eric

Scale the wall immediately right of Reverse Traverse up to the point just beneath the overhang, and then make a final, strenuous effort to finish via an undercut.

Top rope 8m
7a Karen's Kondom

This route is challenging due to some concealed grips that add an element of surprise.

Top rope 9m
Knight's Wall
7a Reach for the Sky

Featuring a particularly stretchy move that may necessitate a dyno for most

Top rope 9m
7a Skin Job

Navigate a slender and intricate route up the face, culminating along the narrow fissure atop the boulder situated right of Knight's Gambit.

Top rope 8m
Squat Tower
7a Woodside Blossom

Try to access the break via a diagonal crack and mantel with difficulty to finish.

Top rope 6m
Wellington's Block
7a Kicks

Ascend the arête right of Wellington Boot, on its left-hand side. Note that the drilled holes at the top are eliminated

Top rope 7m
7a Wellington Boot

An abbreviated yet demanding route along the side face, culminating with a challenging ascent via a narrow crack at the summit.

Top rope 7m
7a Pincenib

A notable route along a distinct, curving flake, eliminating the upper right-hand arête

Top rope 11m
7a Sossblitz

A demanding and intricate experience, featuring a perplexing crux move halfway.

Top rope 10m
Sewer Walls
7a Brookslight

Start just left of the right edge of the front wall, and clamber up to stand on a small pedestal, then continue straight up the wall.

Top rope 10m
7a Baboon

Similar to Monkey's Bow, but traverse left along the next break up.

Top rope 11m
7a Monkey's Bow

Start just left of the right edge of the front wall, and climb onto a small pedestal, then hand traverse leftwards to a short crack and finish up it.

Top rope 11m
7a Psycho

The lower half is eliminate and tends to be very mossy. The upper half provides a better experience and can serve as an alternative finish to Orangutang

Top rope 11m
7a Cannibals

Ascend the arête to the right of the gully after navigating a damp start on The Sewer

Top rope 11m
Circle Area
7a The Bolts

Campus between the sandy breaks and execute a mantel to reach the finish. Unfortunately, the climb doesn't live up to its appearance.

Top rope 5m
7a Healey Peelys

This route features a boulder problem right off the ground, with a mildly eliminate section in its higher, easier tier.

Top rope 7m
Saint's Wall
7a Glendale Crack

Emulate the path taken by early aid climbers by ascending the interconnecting network of cracks. Continue climbing until you reach the green breaks and ledges located above.

Top rope
7a Gretta

An alternative finish to Glendale Crack that involves tackling a thin crack and the breaks located above it.

Top rope
Pig Tail Slabs
7a Greasy Eliminate Right

A tight eliminate upwards, utilising a vertical slot.

Top rope 5m
What Crisis?
7a Marcus's Arete

Start by using a noticeable undercut located at the far right end of the roof, and use that momentum to ascend the remainder of the route, effectively bypassing Horizontal Birch.

Top rope 7m
7a The Sting

Ascend the bulge and wall above while being cautious with the holds, as some of them may be fragile and require delicate handling.

Top rope 7m
7a The Real Missing Link

Ascend the steep face on what appears to be positive holds, on a route that is sandwiched between Vulture Crack and the primary section of The Sting. The route heads straight up from the left-hand side of The Sting and finishes at the top, using the tree as an anchor point.

Top rope 7m
Giant's Staircase
7a That Man's an Animal

Eliminate between "Quiver" and "Toxophilite"

Top rope 10m
Long Layback Area
7a Neighbours

A fabricated challenge that involves ascending the wall right of Sashcord Crack. It is inferior quality and does not offer a rewarding experience.

Top rope 8m
7a Coronation Crack

Climb the the thin crack up the middle of the wall, then finish up the same diagonal crack as "The Flakes"

Top rope 10m
7a The Flakes

Pull into the niche at the start as per "Flakes Direct", then move up and right on thin flakes to the roof. Hand-traverse right, then up the crack up and left.

Top rope 10m
7a Hangover 3

THE route on which to look impressive at Harrison's.

Top rope 8m
Rotten Stump Wall
7a Ritual

Located between Sticky Wicket and Rotten Stump Wall and requires avoiding holds on both.

Use the pockets on the face to gain the break, and then stand up on the postbox slot. Finally, use the tiny sloping crimps to rock up for the top.

FA: Jamie Dugdale, 23 Feb 2019

Top rope 7m
7a Corridor of Uncertainty

Ascend this route, which has no visible features or holds and presents a serious challenge due to the very small holds available.

Top rope 7m
Blackeye Wall
7a Fugazi

A challenging route that requires avoiding contact with adjacent routes. The climb goes up the face to a slot and continues beyond it.

Top rope 6m
Eyelet Wall
7a Twiglet

Climb up towards the roof and search for the undercut hold on the left side, then complete the climb with a challenging finish over the bulging roof.

Top rope 5m
Green Wall
7a The Violent Sprat

Ascend the wall located 3 meters to the right of Usurper without utilising the arete.

Top rope 7m
7a Special Invitation

Ascend the middle of the wall between Teddy Bear's Picnic and Central Groove by jumping to start, similar to New Hat.

Proceed upward and to the left using a small incut hold and climb the wall located to the left of New Hat to complete the route in an awkward manner.

Top rope 7m
7a Teddy Bear's Picnic

Ascend to the break and make a forceful reach for the indistinct vertical cracks situated above, then finish by ascending the substantially better upper half.

Top rope 7m
Zig-Zag Wall
6c+ Meat Cleaver

A daunting crack ascent situated adjacent to the imposing border fence.

Top rope 9m
Unclimbed Wall Area
6c+ Right Unclimbed

Beginning on the ramp, this highly technical trial progresses by veering left towards the wall. Utilising the fissure and pockets on the face, you swiftly arrive to a stopper move.

Top rope 9m
6c+ Desperate Dan

Start as for Unclimbed Wall and continue direct to the second break. Approach the headwall by employing an undercut and a diminutive pocket.

Top rope 9m
Crucifix Wall
6c+ Philippa

The overhanging honeycomb wall, which catches many by surprise.

Top rope 8m
6c+ Muscle Crack

Ascend to the wide overhanging crack on crimpy holds and heave your way through the final moves.

Top rope 7m
Grant's Wall
6c+ Grant's Wall

Ascend the vertical grooves in the lower section of the wall, which are prone to moisture seepage. Shift left and up the arete along its right side, finishing over the top block.

Top rope 9m
Spider Wall
6c+ No Chance

A delicate eliminate up the curved prominence that unfortunately lies a bit too near to adjacent routes.

Top rope 8m
The Cave
6c+ The Wallow

Finger climbing leading to the first rest point, followed by a sustained challenge, and culminates with a tricky, often dirty break near the summit.

Top rope 7m
Jagger Wall
6c+ Battle of the Bulge

A technical ascent which tackles the left side of the face.

Top rope 10m
Isolated Buttress
6c+ Bloody Fingers

Begin your climb slightly to the right of the prominent in-cut hold, and proceed directly up the face.

Top rope 8m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 501 routes.

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